Hofstra University Writing Center Logo

Advice from the Hofstra Writing Center

  1. Plan ahead! Writing right up to a deadline is unnecessarily stressful and less meaningful than working day-by-day towards your writing goals; break up your writing tasks!
  2. Visit the Hofstra Writing Center (102 Mason Hall) at any stage of your writing: from brainstorming and drafting to revision and editing. You DO NOT need to have a full draft to work with us, in fact, these are often our most productive and engaging sessions.
  3. Don’t write alone—book an appointment with us to meet your goals: https://hofstra.mywconline.com/

For support doing research, make an appointment to meet with a research librarian.

Need to cancel? Just log in to the schedule, click on your appointment (the gold-colored box on the schedule), and click on the "cancel this appointment" button at the bottom of the dialog box that appears.